01706 232 134 info@jaysafeltd.co.uk

Client: Robertson Construction

Re-ferb of an existing site in Leeds City Centre turning it into a fully modern Hotel

Re-Ferb for Student Accommodation In Lancaster

Re-Freb into shelter for the homeless and rehabilitation centre

6 Cantilevered dropped scaffolds erected to 3 Tower block in Halifax for recladding after the horrific fire at Grenfell Tower


Jaysafe Ltd is based in the North West of England, and provides scaffold inspection & anchor bolt testing services throughout the UK and world wide, for a variety of commercial and industrial businesses such as scaffolding & building companies, and also the rail network.


Scaffold Inspection Service
Anchor Bolt Testing
Scaffold Supervision
Scaffolding Audits
Safety Monitoring


Jaysafe Ltd, Prinny Mill Business Centre,
Blackburn Road,
Haslingden, BB4 5HL

01706 232 134


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